
Sustainable Art | Nature conscious and awareness: Tatiana Blanqué respects the Nature through all her artwork collections. she is committed to support foundations and communities. Being socially responsible, ethical and sustainable is no longer an option it's a must.



Becoming aware, Artemis!

This is how we started the last edition; " is evident that art and nature have been, are and will always be communicated."

Once again I will delve into nature and what is perceived of it to express from different disciplines, how each of the artists let go their creativity to express what worries them, motivates them, occupies them, with respect to nature. The common thread proposed will be again: the Natural Consciousnesses but not from a general point of view but from the fact of becoming conscious plastically speaking of what will be presented in the exhibition, making the spectator participate during the observation. Nature from a very broad vision, from the creation of the being in nature understood as such, an anthropological study that I have always considered that they go hand in hand.

An interaction between artist and spectator will be sought, making evident the communication between the messenger and the receiver. It is necessary that what takes away the dream of the creator reaches the public and the public becomes aware of what they are seeing.


"To become aware, to be aware of what is happening, of what has to be done, of the options we have at a given moment, of the limits and difficulties, is a courageous, healthy option that has to be taken into account!" All this applied to nature becomes a responsibility that should be innate in our society. We must vindicate what concerns us, make it reach everywhere, transmit it through all possible means and, of course, through the visual arts.

As Unamuno said: "Nature is an examination of conscience".

"Consciousness is a concept that we understand intuitively, but which is difficult or impossible to describe adequately with words. It can be said that consciousness is the subjective state of perceiving something, whether inside or outside ourselves. In some writings consciousness is considered synonymous with mind. But mind includes unconscious mental processes, and can be defined as the functioning of the brain to process information and control action in a flexible and adaptive manner. Consciousness is not a passive phenomenon in response to stimuli, but an active process of interpretation and construction of external data and memory relating to each other."

We know that nature is something privileged, to be able to enjoy it, to be surrounded by it, its noises, its smells, it is a jewel that we have and we are not aware of it. Nature involves a lot of things related to well-being, to knowing how to enjoy the little things, to know how to observe, smell, walk, breathe, listen, study, draw, write, compose... in short, a luxury that is already halfway to becoming a museum piece. Nature has gone from being controlled by human beings, to a great extent, it is no longer nature understood as such, it is landscapes constructed and controlled by someone's hand.